Remarks at Life of Learning Ceremony

Thank you, Jack, and Bill Treanor, and congratulations to all of you being honored this evening.  It is a special occasion. I am so proud to be part of this Law Center and University.  As much or more than any other law school in the country, we stand for and work for...

House farm bill: The latest assault on disability rights

Over the last year, people with disabilities have fought against attacks on their health care, civil rights, and supports that make inclusion in society possible. Now, as the House and Senate prepare to iron out a final version of the bill, we urge those involved to adopt the Senate’s approach to SNAP.

It’s Time to Make Sure Nobody is Paid Less Than the Minimum Wage

Eighty years ago, President Franklin Roosevelt called for a national floor on wages to ensure “a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.” As we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act, a core part of the New Deal, the federal minimum wage falls far short of that goal.

The Obama Legacy: Place-Based Poverty

I have spent the last 50-plus years of my life fighting poverty. In 1967, when I worked for Senator Robert Kennedy as his legislative aide, the Senator and I traveled to Mississippi. We saw children starving—literally—with bloated bellies, open sores that wouldn’t heal. Our nation did the right thing then—we expanded the food stamp program—and that’s why you don’t see that kind of starvation here today.

But we had to fight for it. And now we are going to have to fight again.