Georgetown Center on Poverty & Inequality Becomes Two Distinct Centers

For nearly ten years, the Center on Poverty & Inequality has housed two initiatives: the Initiative on Gender Justice & Opportunity and the Economic Security & Opportunity Initiative. Given the unique focus of each initiative, the respective efforts have restructured as standalone Centers, enabling future growth of their work

Equity Through Engagement

To advance child health equity in California, The Children’s Partnership, the California Children’s Trust, and the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality launched The Equity Through Engagement (ETE) project. This project examines opportunities to integrate community partnerships and interventions into California’s Medi-Cal financing and delivery systems to advance child health equity, including through addressing social drivers of health (SDOHs). 

Celebrating Indi

Join us in celebrating the impact and tenure of Indi Dutta-Gupta at GCPI, as he prepares to embark on a new chapter in the fight against poverty and inequality.

100 Days for Opportunity & Well-Being: An Executive & Administrative Action Agenda for Children & Families

The COVID-19 pandemic and recession have greatly magnified existing health and economic inequities, threatening the well-being of children and families. Children, families, and communities throughout the United States urgently need bold, equitable, and anti-racist human services to meet the extraordinary challenges facing our country. This brief summarizes the key recommendations from a GCPI research project identifying, developing, and prioritizing human services-focused federal executive actions to improve economic security and well-being for children and families in the U.S. 

Strengthening Young Adult Opportunity in the Federal Workforce: An Executive Order on Recruitment, Hiring, Retention, & Advancement

The COVID-19 pandemic and recession have intensified young adult unemployment and disconnection, increasing young people’s need for good job opportunities. The federal government urgently needs to address both the aging of its workforce and racial and gender inequity, particularly in senior positions, and hiring more young people can strengthen the diversity of the pipeline. This memo recommends an equity-focused executive order—centering communities of color and high-poverty communities—to increase young adult recruitment, hiring, retention, and advancement in federal government jobs.

Untangling Unemployment Assistance Benefits in 2020: A Flow Chart

GCPI, the National Employment Law Project, and the Century Foundation created a flowchart to clarify which pandemic-response or regular unemployment assistance benefits may be available to workers from late March 2020 through late December 2020 and under which circumstances.