Debt Ceiling Agreement Includes Inequitable, Ineffective, & Inefficient Work Reporting Requirements

The latest debt ceiling agreement threatens to take away food and cash assistance from people with low incomes—especially older women—if they cannot meet harsh work reporting requirements. The latest bill would add another hurdle to accessing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for older Americans ages 50-54 and doubles down on existing SNAP time limits for childless adults under 50 and existing work requirements in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.

Inclusive Policies for Immigrants Promote Economic Security

All who call the U.S. home should have the opportunity to thrive and support their families. Millions of immigrants and their families disproportionately face barriers to opportunity, and are unnecessarily excluded from public programs like CHIP, Medicaid, and the Child Tax Credit. Research shows that immigrant-inclusive public policy improves public health outcomes and reduces poverty. This blog highlights reforms needed to achieve a more equitable and prosperous society for everyone and improve the nation’s overall economic security and opportunity.

Subsidized Employment Can Help Fight Poverty in Good Times & Bad

Nearly 15 million people in the U.S. who would like to work are unable to find a job—despite a historically low national unemployment rate. This blog, published in partnership with the Center for Economic and Policy Research, highlights one policy tool that would help create jobs and boost earnings for people in disinvested neighborhoods and communities: subsidized employment. A half-century’s worth of evidence suggests that a large-scale subsidized jobs program would help ensure the communities typically left behind in periods of economic growth can share in the nation’s economic security and opportunity.

Untangling Unemployment Assistance Benefits in 2020: A Flow Chart

GCPI, the National Employment Law Project, and the Century Foundation created a flowchart to clarify which pandemic-response or regular unemployment assistance benefits may be available to workers from late March 2020 through late December 2020 and under which circumstances.

Anti-Monopoly Fund announces second round of investments

The Anti-Monopoly Fund is thrilled to announce its second round of investments to 14 organizations, including the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality’s Economic Security and Opportunity Initiative, to bolster the ongoing fight against monopoly power in every facet of our economy, democracy, and society.

Ensuring the Youth Opportunity Guarantee Works for Undocumented Youth

Undocumented youth are an integral part of the United States. Regardless of documentation status, immigrants contribute to our country—supporting their families, serving their communities, and contributing to local, state and national economies. However, the nearly 2.1 million undocumented youth under the age of 24 are often left out of opportunities and programs, and therefore face uncertainty about their job prospects and futures.

Remarks at Life of Learning Ceremony

Thank you, Jack, and Bill Treanor, and congratulations to all of you being honored this evening.  It is a special occasion. I am so proud to be part of this Law Center and University.  As much or more than any other law school in the country, we stand for and work for...