Bold ideas for racial & economic justice

Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality expands economic security and opportunity and advances racial and gender equity for everyone in the U.S. through research, analysis, and ambitious policy ideas.

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Jobs & Education

Building an inclusive economy that works for everyone requires increasing worker agency and power.

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Health & Human Services

Accessible and inclusive health care and child and family services are essential to strengthening communities and the country. 

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Tax & Income Supports

Income supports—including cash assistance and tax credits—help families meet their basic needs and promote economic mobility.

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Census & Data Justice

In a healthy democracy, every community is fairly counted, represented, and resourced. 

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Latest from GCPI

Laying New Foundations An Anti-Racist Framework for Reimagining Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, and CCDF
Report, | Apr 15, 2024
Laying New Foundations: An Anti-Racist Framework for Reimagining Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, & CCDF

Everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a healthy, stable, and economically secure life. Many government programs aim to provide a stable foundation for all families, but fall short due to legacies of racism. This report puts forth a visionary framework with principles for anti-racist policymaking, focusing on Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). It includes three spotlights from leaders in Puerto Rico, Texas, and the District of Columbia applying these principles to advance racial and economic justice in their communities.

Brief, | Apr 04, 2024
Re-Envisioning CCDF: Toward an Anti-Racist Child Care System That Serves Families & Educators

Child care is an essential element of our social infrastructure that supports child development, family financial stability, and economic growth. But structural racism and sexism have led to the underinvestment and undervaluation of child care in the United States. This brief, published with the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) offers a new, anti-racist vision for transforming the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) into a program that actively pushes back against structural racism and advances racial equity and economic prosperity for all families. It proposes recommendations for advancing a more equitable child care system.

Press Release, | Jan 11, 2024
Lelaine Bigelow Named New Executive Director of Georgetown Center on Poverty & Inequality

The Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality announced that Lelaine Bigelow—a changemaker and advocate for racial, gender, and economic justice—will serve as the next Executive Director.

Brief, | Nov 15, 2023
Reducing Foster Care Placement Through Equity-Focused Implementation of Family First

All children deserve safety, protection, and the opportunity to thrive. And all families deserve support in their efforts to provide a safe and stable environment for their children. The child welfare system is vital to protecting children—but it has disproportionately failed American Indian and Alaska Native, Black, and Latinx children and families. By prioritizing preventative services, programs, and kinship care funded by the Family First Prevention Services Act, child welfare programs can increase the safety and well-being of children and families and reduce unnecessary family separation and foster care placement. This brief highlights progress made by federal child welfare administrators and outlines additional steps they can take to reduce foster care placement through equity-focused implementation of Family First in 2024 and beyond.

RESC Medicaid & CHIP Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet, | Nov 09, 2023
The ABCs of Advancing Racial Justice in Medicaid & CHIP

Everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a healthy life. But racial and ethnic disparities in the American health system—including Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)—block access to quality health care and damage the overall health and well-being of our nation. This fact sheet offers three recommendations to transform Medicaid and CHIP into anti-racist programs.